Small Business: Defend Your Online Reputation

Over the last several months, McQ Media has assisted several business owners whose businesses were dealing with negative comments posted on the internet resolution services.   On the surface, these resolution services appear to be advocates for the consumer because they offer a forum for consumers to gripe about bad consumer deals.  However, when you dig a littler deeper the truth begins to emerge.   In reality, many of these sites are marketing companies targeting small business to pay monthly fees to remove consumer complaints.

McQ Media RepMax Reputation Management

One McQ Media client was experiencing sales losses every day that were a result of an unfounded complaint that was posted on one complaint resolution service.  The client had made repeated attempts to contact the management of the site to have the comments removed, with no success.   After engaging McQ Media and our RepMax Reputation Management Services, the negative comments were removed within a week and our system of original content creation transformed their web presence and online reputation.

Because of the potential revenue and the relative freedom that exists to post negative information on the web, we believe these resolution sites will continue to grow and become even more adept at charging small business a fee in exchange for removing negative comments and reviews.  Some businesses are accepting the monthly shakedown subscription fees as a cost of doing business.   Yet, and as many business owners are experiencing, the number of complaints that need to be removed often magically start to increase once business owners start paying a monthly fee.   As one business owner told us, ‘It’s like whack-a-mole.  You whack one complaint another reappears.”

At McQ Media, we can help businesses to minimize the impact of negative web comments with McQ Media’s RepMax Reputation Management Services.   Our multistage system consists of several strategies that ultimately give a business more control of their online reputation.   And, although some of our strategies are proprietary, the bulk of McQ Media’s RepMax Reputation Management Services is strategic content creation and distribution.   By using a combination of video, audio, press releases, blogs and other original content, the McQ Media RepMax team is able to inject quality content on behalf of our clients.

For more information about McQ Media’s RepMax Reputation Management Services, contact Leah Foard at

Editor’s Note:  McQ Media Inc is a full service advertising and marketing firm based in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas.  Pete Thomson is President/CEO of McQ Media.  Thomson is a veteran of broadcast journalism, management and marketing.  Thomson is host of The Consumer Team, a consumer advocacy radio program heard Saturday’s from 5-7PM (Central) on KRLD Radio.


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