Publicity & PR: Often Overlooked by Business Owners

(Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas)        One of the most cost effective yet least used vehicles to promote small business is publicity and public relations, according to Pete Thomson, President/CEO of McQ Media, a full service advertising and marketing firm based in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas.   According to Thomson, there are many possibilities for low cost or even free exposure for small business.  McQ Media’s Publicity Plus is designed to help clients maximize what Thomson calls some of the most effective ways of engaging the marketplace.  Thomson said “Because publicity and PR is perceived as unpaid media coverage it has great potential for helping to build a brand and even drive sales.   Even though some consider publicity and PR to be the ‘low hanging fruit’ of marketing, we believe it has to be strategically managed to be effective.”

McQ Media -- Publicity Plus

According to Thomson, McQ Media’s Publicity Plus is a system of integrating publicity that is available across a wide variety of media channels.   In describing the process, he added, “At McQ Media we approach publicity and public relations through both traditional and new media.  On the traditional side, we excel at getting our clients exposure via interviews, press releases and other promotion associated with traditional media.   Additionally, McQ Media focuses on digital channels that we’ve tested and have found to be the most resourceful in terms of delivering exposure for clients.”

Regarding traditional media, such as radio, television and newspapers, Thomson said exposure is possible but that finding it can be challenging.  Thomson commented, “Depending on the business we’re working with, we have a number sources that are looking for quality and exclusive content.  McQ Media not only knows the reporters and editors but we know how to craft the story and frame it in such a way that makes it appealing to media outlets.”

Thomson called press releases an outstanding yet often misunderstood and poorly utilized mode of publicity and PR for businesses.   Thomson said, “Press releases can be very viable.  However, there’s so much junk on the web that’s a result of the cheap press release services.  We see hundreds of poorly written releases every week.  Additionally, many of the low-tier PR sites dump anything into the marketplace which makes it even more difficult to be notices.  At McQ Media, we create press releases that are compelling, that tell a story.   Producing a well written press release is just the beginning of the publicity and PR process.  Getting a release placed in quality media outlets and driving engagement with the consumer is where success is determined.”

The added potential of publicity and PR via online exposure, particularly through social media is of great interest to most businesses.  According to Thomson, many businesses stop short of achieving an effective digital publicity and public relations strategy.  Thomson said, “The digital and social media worlds are so big and daunting that it’s easy to lost or even intimidated by the process.  At McQ Media, our Publicity Plus System simplifies the process of targeting, messaging and then engaging these digital streams efficiently.”

So what’s the process of getting McQ Media’s Publicity Plus working for your business?   “We’ve built a system,” says Thomson, “The McQ Media team will meet with a client in a strategy meeting.  After determining goals and objectives, we can illustrate a number of different Publicity Plus strategies.  Once we zero in on a plan, we execute.”    According to Thomson, one of the benefits of McQ Media Publicity Plus is the ability that clients have to participate but not be bogged down by the process.   He added, “Our system allows the client to stay on top of the big picture including messaging without getting caught up in the day-to-day details.  As a result, our clients can focus on operations, sales and profits while McQ Media does the heavy lifting on publicity and public relations.”

For more information on McQ Media Publicity Plus, call 214-257-8484 or email

Editors Note:  Pete Thomson, President/CEO of McQ Media Inc, hosts a weekly consumer advocacy radio program called The Consumer Team.  The program is heard Saturdays from 5-7PM on 1080 KRLD Radio, Dallas-Ft. Worth.   The Consumer Team features news, information and research designed to support consumers and small business.







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