McQ Media at NRB in Nashville

NRB is one of my favorite times of the entire year.   The annual meeting of Christian broadcasters, ministries, publishers and related industries draws thousands to the Opryland Hotel in Nashville.   NRB has always been the most efficient way to connect with others in the industry.  Indeed, just hanging out near the convention floor or the lobby of the hotel will often result in great conversations with old friends and a chance to meet some new ones too.

I’ve been attending NRB every year since 1997.  And each year there are three NRB events that always impact me in a significant way:

The NRB Sunday Worship Service:  The preaching and music is so strong and so impactful that I now arrive about 30 minutes before service-time to get a seat close to the stage.  

Greg Laurie Speaks at 2012 NRB Awards Banquet

This year Prestonwood Pastor Jack Graham preached and brought with him the Prestonwood Praise Team featuring professional quality musicians and singers.   Pastor Graham’s message centered around the ‘defining moments’ in our lives and how to focus on God’s presence to understand his plan.  Pastor Jack gave some very personal examples of his own trials to illustrate his points in a very authentic way.

Israel Ministry Sunday Breakfast:   The Israel Ministry of Tourism’s annual breakfast has become one of the most attended events at NRB.   This year’s breakfast featured a message from Dr. Robert A. Schuller who spoke about the impact his Holy Land travels have had on his life.   The vocal ground ‘Seven’ also performed, backed by the Israel Ministry Orchestra.  My good friend Haim Gutin, Minister of Tourism for North & South America also spoke to the crowd of several thousand people.

NRB Awards Banquet:  Held on the final night of the convention, many people leave town early and miss the NRB Banquet.   But for me, this is always too good to miss.  It’s a final opportunity to catch up with friends and the preaching and music is always memorable.  This year Greg Laurie preached an after dinner message after a big-time performance by The Annie Moses Band.

It’s always a little bitter sweet to see an NRB end.   Lord willing, we’ll be back next year, for another unforgettable convention.

Pete Thomson

McQ Media

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