McQ Media Adds Reputation Management Services

(Dallas, TX)      McQ Media today announced the addition of McQ RepMax Reputation Management services.   McQ RepMax is being offered to businesses who want to strategically control their reputation on the internet including all social media platforms.   Commenting on the new service, McQ Media President/CEO Pete Thomson said, “Our clients have been asking McQ Media to take a leadership position relative to the management of their online reputation.  I’m pleased to announce that we now have the ability to offer this valuable service to our clients.”

McQ Media RepMax Reputation Management

Thomson described the internet and social media space as areas of both great opportunity and exposure for the client.  He added, “The internet is like the wild, wild west right now.  It can be a both a huge asset or liability to a business from a reputation management and marketing standpoint.   With McQ RepMax we maximize the client’s positive attributes through the use of several proprietary strategies and tactics.”   Thomson said that as negative news, misinformation or damaging comments are made about businesses, McQ RepMax works to minimize the overall impact.   He said, “We’re seeing more and more cases of information being planted on the web by competitors or ex-employees.  Sadly, unless it’s addressed quickly and aggressively, negative information can be very damaging to a business reputation.”

Thomson cited a recent case study that involved a client who was dealing with customer complaints that were ranking high in organic search and having a negative impact on business.  Thomson said, “McQ Media’s RepMax team quickly determined that the comments were coming from multiple sources.  In addition to getting the negative comments removed, we orchestrated a strategic influx of positive editorial comments regarding the business to offset the impact of the negative comments.   And although not all situations can be resolved this quickly, this example is indicative of the aggressive approach we use at McQ Media RepMax.”

McQ RepMax approaches reputation management from a multistage process.  Thomson described McQ RepMax as working from both the top and bottom of the information process.   Thomson added, “On the top end, we create content that is recognized as being relevant and credible.  From the bottom up, we utilize current web content metrics to enhance our client’s ranking with targeted content.”

Thomson said that McQ Media RepMax Reputation Management is designed to deliver maximum value to the client.  He said, “Like web site design, social media and SEO/PPC services, businesses can get ripped off pretty quickly.   In reputation management, I’ve been very critical of and what I believe is a very questionable business model.  At McQ Media RepMax we’re utilizing processes that are proven.  And, like all of our McQ Media marketing and creative services, we offer a very good bang for the buck.”

For more information on McQ RepMax Reputation Management, contact Leah Foard at

McQ Media Inc is a full-service advertising and marketing firm based in Dallas and Ft. Worth, Texas.   McQ Media President/CEO Pete Thomson is a veteran of broadcast media management.  Thomson is also active in consumer advocacy journalism.  He hosts a weekly consumer radio program, The Consumer Team, heard on 1080 KRLD Radio, Dallas, Texas.



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