McQ’s Pete Thomson on Social Media: “Content Is King”

(DALLAS-FT. WORTH, TX)     McQ Media President & CEO Pete Thomson says that small business often misses the target when it comes to  social media.   Speaking today to a group of small business executives in Dallas, Thomson cited what he calls ‘the spray and pray’ strategy that companies employ on social media.   Thomson said,  “Many companies are using social media tools to get a high volume of mentions and posts in social media streams.  Yet when you look at the message being sent there’s very little substance.  It’s a mile wide and an inch deep.  We believe the core opportunity in social media is deep consumer engagement.  And deep engagement requires quality and authentic content.”

Pete Thomson - McQ Media

McQ Media’s Content Marketing utilizes print, audio and video creative distributed via social media streams.   Thomson describes McQ content as “well researched and well produced information that addresses consumer needs.”   He added, “Most content being created for social media campaigns is junk.  It’s being written by people who don’t know the client’s business.  McQ Media utilizes professional writers and content creators to build our client content.   All of our writers become experts in our client’s business.  As a result we produce content that is well researched and relevant to what consumers are talking about.”

Thomson cited specific examples of McQ Content.  For blog posts, he described recent articles that, once released to the blog-o-sphere would be picked up by online news sites and RSS feeds.   He added, “Our creative gets re-posted regularly.   It’s because we’re creating content that is news-worthy and interesting.”    McQ Media utilizes strategically distributed press releases for promotion of key client events and topics.  According to Thomson, McQ Media Press Releases get extensive press coverage in traditional and online news media.   Thomson describes McQ video content as professional and focused.   Thomson said, “We utilize professional production techniques to create video content that stands out on the web.”

McQ Media’s content strategies, according to Thomson, are contrarian to typical digital metrics.   Thomson said, “We’re less concerned about cost-per-thousand (CPM) and more focused on a cost-per-engagement.   And great content accelerates the engagement process.  Campaign after campaign we’re seeing customer engagement skyrocket as a result of addressing consumer needs through quality content.  Content is king.”

McQ Media is a full service advertising and marketing firm based in Dallas, Texas.   Pete Thomson has been in media, marketing and advertising for over 30 years.   For more information, call 214-257-8484 or email










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