(DALLAS-FT. WORTH, TX – McQ Media News) Found Money Radio is a weekly radio show that’s about retiring better. And, according to Mark Robinson, planner at Texas Retirement Specialists, part of retiring better is understanding Medicare. Robinson has joined the Found Money Radio broadcast team to discuss Medicare strategies. According to Robinson, signing up for Medicare correctly is critical for both financial and health reasons. He added, “When a consumer makes the wrong Medicare choices, the impact is felt both financially and from a medical standpoint. The cost for mistakes can be $3,000 to $6,000 annually. Making wrong choices can also limit the quality of medical services that are provided to the consumer.”
On Found Money Radio, Robinson talks about the importance of getting it right the first time. He added, “The best scenario is for a consumer to get together with us before they need Medicare so we can help them select the proper strategy. However, even after a consumer has signed up for Medicare, changes can be made.” Robinson’s Medicare segments on Found Money Radio will be a regular feature on the program.
Pete Thomson, president of McQ Media and co-host of Found Money Radio, praised Texas Retirement Specialists for their commitment to financial education. He said, “Found Money Radio has always been a program that gives back to the community. We regularly air features that are education in nature. Mark’s series on Medicare is an excellent example of Texas Retirement giving back to the community.”
From an even broader perspective, Thomson says, Texas Retirement Specialists is committed to teaching financial literacy through Found Money Radio. He added, “During the month of April, Financial Literacy Month, we’re doing special features about what it means to be financially literate. Britni Levensailor, VP and retirement planner at Texas Retirement Specialists, is hosting a series of features which address various ways that financial literacy can be taught.
Found Money Radio is broadcast Saturdays from 10-11 AM on 1080 KRLD Radio and 2-3 PM on 820 WBAP Radio. Found Money Radio is produced by McQ Media, Dallas, TX.